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Queen ants live as long as their colonies. Which dies first the colony or the queen?

Queen ants live as long as their colonies. Which dies first the colony or the queen? T his is a tricky question since some species of ants have multiple queens. Let's consider colonies with only one queen first. It's a c…

Why do we hiccup ?  हम क्यों हिचकी करते हैं?

Why do we hiccup? H iccups happen because of spasmodic contractions of our diaphragm. When our diaphragm contracts, our lungs inhale sharply. This intake of breath in the throat causes that little 'hic' sound. People hic…

How can birds fly in the dark?  पक्षी अंधेरे में कैसे उड़ सकते हैं?

How can birds fly in the dark? A lthough most birds go to roost when the sun sets, there are many species that can fly through a darkened sky- because of a variety of techniques. Owls, which hunt at night, have developed eyes th…

How do X-rays allows you to see inside of things?  एक्स-रे आपको चीजों के अंदर देखने की अनुमति कैसे देता है?

How do X-rays allows you to see inside of things? H ow   a flashlight against the palm of your hand and turn it on. Some of the light comes through your hand but you can't see what's inside very well. To get a better vie…

Why are rainbows half circles ?  इंद्रधनुष आधे घेरे का क्यों हैं?

Why are rainbows half circles ? L ight and raindrops work together to create a ring of coloured light opposite the sun. We see part of that ring as the curved arc of a rainbow. Here's how it works: the sunlight that shines …

Why is the sea water salty ?  समुंद्री जल नमकीनी क्यों है ?

Why is the sea water salty ? As the rains fall and water flows over the land, the water dissolves salt out of the rocks, washes the salt into streams, then rivers, and finally carries the salt to the sea. The salt stays in the …

Did chameleons always change colour or did they develop the ability over time ?

Did chameleons always change colour or did they develop the ability over time ? Chameleons  Most chameleon species evolved a basic camouflage colouring and pattern which blends with the land and trees they live in. Variations …

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