How do X-rays allows you to see inside of things?

How do X-rays allows you to see inside of things?

How a flashlight against the palm of your hand and turn it on. Some of the light comes through your hand but you can't see what's inside very well.

To get a better view you need light that both penetrates better and doesn't bounce around much. That light is X-ray radiation. X-rays are more energetic than visible light and that greater energy powers a greater penetration. The X-rays pass through soft tissue to varying degrees and are absorbed by the denser stuff (teeth and bones).

An X-ray picture-actually a negative-shows light areas where teeth and bones blocked the X-rays and darker areas of intensity where blood, muscles, and gut largely allowed the X-rays to penetrate and register on the film.

X-rays are also useful in astronomy since stars and other objects emit X-rays as well as ordinary light.

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