Why do we sleep ? हम क्यों सोते हैं ?
Why do we sleep ?
Sleep researchers can say for certain that sleep overcomes sleepiness. But, beyond that, researches disagree. Some believe that sleep has no biological purpose, it's just a sort of habit. Some even argue that we shouldn't be asking why we sleep, but why we wake. Most evidence, however, suggests that there is a biological function for sleep.
All mammals sleep and reptiles, fish, and maybe even insects seem to have a sleep-like state. When humans sleep our body undergoes many changes like heart rate slows, blood pressure drops and body temperature also drops: it's lowest about three hours before waking.
Sleep may be a way to let our mind and body recover from the stresses of the day: Or may be it's a way to conserve energy, we use less when we're asleep.
A night's sleep consists of several cycles of different types of sleep and each type may serve a different function. There's evidenced for enhanced tissue growth, repair of the immune system, memory consolidation, as well as brain restoration especially in the cerebral cortex. But most of these things happen when we're awake as well. And during some parts of sleep, there's no rest for the weary brain. when we're dreaming, our brain is at least as active as when we're awake.
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